Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologiae, Translation, Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Glossary by Thomas Gilbey Order of Preachers, London.
Bataille, Georges, Oeuvres Complètes, editors I & II Denis Hollier, III & IV Thadée Klossowski, V Mme Leduc, VI (and following volumes—12 vols in all) Henri Ronse, and J.-M. Rey, Paris.
Boltzmann, Ludwig von, Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, published by Dr Fritz Hasenöhrl, Leipzig 1909.
Descartes, René, Oeuvres, editors M.Darboux and M.Boutroux, Paris.
Freud, Sigmund, Studien Ausgabe, editors Alexander Mitscherlich, Angela Richards, James Strachey, and Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Frankfurt am Main.
Hegel, G.W.F., Theorie Werkausgabe, based on Werke of 1832–45, editors Eva Moldenhauer and Markus Michel, Frankfurt am Main.
Heidegger, Martin, Gesamtausgabe, multiple editors, Frankfurt am Main (미완결).
Kant, Immanuel, Werkausgabe, Wilhelm Weischedel, Frankfurt am Main. Lukács, Georg, Werke, editor Frank Benseler, Berlin.
Nietzsche, Friedrich W., Werke, editor Karl Schlechta, Frankfurt am Main [링크].
Sade, Marquis de, Oeuvres Complètes du Marquis de Sade, Édition Définitive, Paris 1966–7.
Schopenhauer, Arthur, Zürcher Ausgabe: Werke in zehn Bänden, text follows historical-critical edition by Arthur Hübscher, editorial materials acquired by Angelika Hübscher, editors Claudia Schmölders, Fritz Senn, and Gerd Haffmans, Zurich.
Aristotle, Politics, London 1959.
Augustine, The City of God, Harmondsworth 1984.
Bernstein, J.M., The Philosophy of the Novel: Lukács, Marxism and the Dialectics of Form, Brighton 1984.
Carnap, Rudolf, Two Essays on Entropy, London 1977.
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, Voyage au Bout de la Nuit, Paris 1952.
Cioran, E.M., La Tentation d’Exister, Paris 1956.
Deleuze, Gilles, Différence et Répétition, Paris 1969.
—Nietzsche et la Philosophie, Paris 1962.
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix, Capitalisme et Schizophrénic I: l’Antioedipe, Paris 1972.
—Capitalisme et Schizophrénic II: Mille Plateaux, Paris 1980.
Derrida, Jacques, L’Ecriture et la Différence, Paris 1967.
—Marges: de la Philosophie, Paris 1972.
—Spurs: Nietzsche’s Styles (Eperons: les Styles de Nietzsche), London 1978.
Ehrenfest, Paul and Tatiana, The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics, New York 1959.
Gatlin, Lila L., Information Theory and the Living System, London 1972.
Gleick, James, Chaos, London 1985.
Hayman, Ronald, De Sade: a Critical Biography, London 1978.
Heidegger, Vorträge und Aufsätze, Pfullingen 1959.
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, Harmondsworth 1988.
Irigaray, Luce, Speculum: de l’Autre Femme, Paris 1974.
—Ce Sexe qui n’en est pas Un, Paris 1977.
Klossowski, Pierre, Nietzsche et le Cercle Vicieux, Paris 1969.
Kullback, Solomon, Information Theory and Statistics, New York 1968.
Lockwood, John G., World Climatology: an Environmental Approach, London 1974.
Lyotard, Jean-François, Economic Libidinale, Paris 1974.
Marx, Karl, Capital Volume One, London 1977.
—Grundrisse, Harmondsworth 1973.
Miller, Henry, The Tropic of Cancer, London 1965.
Palmén, E. and Newton, C.W., Atmospheric Circulation Systems: their Structure and Physical Interpretation, London 1969.
Plato, Collected Dialogues, Princeton 1982.
Ragon, Michel, The Space of Death, translated by Alan Sheridan, Charlottesville 1983.
Rimbaud, Arthur, Collected Poems, with introduction and prose translation by Oliver Bernard, Harmondsworth 1986.
Rose, Gillian, Hegel Contra Sociology, London 1981.
Serres, Michel, Hermes III: la Traduction, Paris 1974.
Shannon, Claude E. and Weaver, Warren, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois 1949.
Walker, D.P., The Decline of Hell: Seventeenth Century Discussions of Eternal Torment, London 1964.
Weber, Max, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, translated by Talcott Parsons, London 1985.
Wittfogel, Karl A., Oriental Despotism: a Comparative Study of Total Power, London 1963.
역본 참고
Cengel, Yunus A., Michael A. Boles, and Mehmet Kanoglu. 센겔의 열역학. 9판. 부준홍, 김경진, 김정수, 박수한, 이교우, 장영철, 조홍현, 최경민 역.McGraw-Hill, 2021.
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니체, 프리드리히. 차라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다. 정동호 역. 책세상, 2000.
마르크스, 카를. 자본론, 김정로. 전동적 역. 모두의 책, 2022년.
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프로이트, 지그문트. 정신분석학의 근본 개념. 윤희기, 박찬부 역. 열린책들, 2020.
프리고진, 일리야., 스텐저스, 이사벨. 혼돈으로부터의 질서. 신국조 역. 자유아카데미, 2011년.